
Tuesday, December 16, 2008


Life has been, interesting of late. I’ve traveled a lot and ergo, was unable to update with any new writings or music; however, fear not five people who actually read this! My production rate has not faltered, yet blossomed! Ideas are flowing swiftly like the current of a great river! But cynical remarks aside, I am simply trying to remain unshaken while the world spins on. Read, feel, and respond.

With all the heart that I can muster,


Do we fear the endless karmic cycle?
I wonder if between lives
we wait in a bus terminal, anxious, confused,
listening intensely for our boarding call?
Will they serve us food?
Will there be one lone man,
with some outrageous story about being lost
and needing “Just 5-10 bucks”
to make it to the next life.
Will there be sections?
Will it be cold out?
Will we ask questions, receiving answers or
What time does your bus leave?

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