
Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Holy Ruins

Such anger!

The crumbling crack of

Industry’s ghosts,

Eating smack along the rivers edge,

Poverty statistically stereotypes derogative hymns,

Angels of Tioga & Fishtown

Sprinkle cancer on my cigarette,

w/ it’s deep drag and exhalation pouring

Over steel cased skies,

Uninhabited rooms echoing through plywood

And newspaper headlines read Democracy for Middle East,

Young woman pokes holes in these papers,

Let in this light of rickety Els and Golden Cathedral


Oh yes, even in the Ghetto, god is rich.

1 comment:

Lauren Doyle said...

Okay okay! .. A see a deep theme, more poems like this one would really be great. I know you hate the word, theme, but I hope you can see the great rhythm in multiples of related works.