It has been a very long time since I have updated this site, this is due to extensive travel and also a good deal of aimlessness. I have discovered much during said time at wish to share it with you all, most importantly though, I am laughing again. So I’ll leave you with a musical quote: Life is short but sweet for certain.
In this age of narcissistic information &
exploding expectations
it becomes:
impossible to cease the relentless chatter
pilfering emptiness until the complex
is whole.
In this space,
benevolent rain,
remains whole.
Did you attest to rain,
beating the ancient rhythm forward,
smoke clearing itself through.
Rain hanging onto lifeless oaks,
until the strange merciful wind tears it down.
Rain! This endless chatter,
beautifully drawn across, stretched thought…
tension the governing body of the soul/washing in the rain,
returning always to the birth.
God is Electric
Have you ever been mesmerized,
by the arcane glow of electric gods?
Time washed from broken faucets,
sporadic as rain: constant as the breath.
Have you ever known your true self.
naked & soaked; screaming,
much like before you hurt beautifully & …
dropping through endless heavens, tasting salt with
wry grins?
When it rains, everything is thicker,
even your thoughts.
A Reductionism Poem
I started with God,
my notion of supreme determinism,
the idea that we are being governed.
But God is merely my ego-conscious
scraping at identity for meaning.
So I turned to my mind,
creator of perception and consciousness,
until told that I am a byproduct of
electricity and my self is simple chance.
So I turned to chance, trying to understand
where to wager meaning, until realizing
that chance is another bullshit ego-delusion.
So, I suppose I am left with nothing,
yet that’s too nihilistic, so there is no mind or form,
which is where form beings?
True mind is no mind.
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